![M106 M106 is a spiral galaxy in the northern constellation Canes Venatici the Hunting Dogs. It lies some 25 million light-years from Earth. Some astronomers think emissions from M106 indicate a vast quantity of material is falling into a supermassive black hole at the galaxy’s core. (5.2-inch Thomas M. Back TMB 130 refractor, Apogee U8300 CCD camera, Hydrogen-alpha/LRGB image with exposures of 6, 7 2, 2, and 2 hours, respectively) Bill Snyder from Connellsville, Pennsylvania](https://3ap.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/M106.jpg)
-Bill Snyder from Connellsville, Pennsylvania
Mr. Bill Snyder, besides winning this Astronomy Magazine Picture of the Day, was recently recognized for the December 24, 2014 NASA APOD, http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap141224.html . He was previously recognized for The Astronomy Magazine Picture of the Day, December 12, 2014 for his image of the fish Head Nebula. Mr. Synder has won many APOD’s (~7 or 8) and many Astronomy Magazine Pictures of the Day. Bill is the reigning 2014 International Astrophotographer of the Year in the Deep Space Category http://www.rmg.co.uk/whats-on/exhibitions/astronomy-photographer-of-the-year/2014-winners/deep-space . His work may be viewed on his website www.billsnyderastrophotography.com .