Room Change: The entire meeting will be held in the Buhl Planetarium!
So instead of gathering in the Bayer Science Stage Auditorium, we will gather in the Lobby before the meeting and head up to the planetarium at 7:30.
The April Meeting of the Amateur Astronomers Association of Pittsburgh will be held at 7:30 PM, April 8, 2016, at Carnegie Science Center, Buhl Planetarium and features the planetarium show, “The Beginner’s Guide to the Universe.” Gather promptly in the lobby area as we will travel together to the planetarium for the annual planetarium show. Once the show begins no late arrivals will be admitted. The doors will re-open after the show, as we will remain in the planetarium for the meeting.
2016 AAAP Star Parties Begin In April
Respectfully submitted, Kathy DeSantis.