The Amateur Astronomers Association of Pittsburgh invites the public to the Mingo Observatory October Star Parties on October 21 and 22, 2016.
The Friday, October 21 Star Party begins at approximately 6:30 PM. The Saturday, October 22 Star Party begins at 4:30 PM with Safe Solar Viewing through the 4” Lunt Hydrogen Alpha telescope. Following safe solar viewing during the day, viewing of the night sky will begin at approximately 6:30 PM. Sunset is 6:29 PM. View the night sky through the AAAP’s 10” D & G Refractor and the 24” Optical Guidance Systems Reflector Telescope and the AAAP Member Telescopes on the observing hill. Other offerings include planetarium shows and presentations inside the Richard Y. Haddad Planetarium and tours of the stars and constellations under the night sky.
Mingo Observatory is located inside of Washington County’s Mingo Creek County Park, at 1 Shelter 10 Road Finleyville, PA 15332, Latitude 40.211 degrees Longitude -80.020 degrees. If using GPS, coordinates work better than the address. Call 724-258-6150 for more information.
These October Star Parties will feature planets: red Mars, ringed Saturn, and brilliant Venus. The features of the Moons craters and plains will be seen. The Orionid Meteors, remnants of Comet Halley peaking October 20-21, 2016 will streak the skies over Mingo this weekend. Our large telescopes will reveals mysteries of Autumn Deep Sky Objects such as spiral galaxy NGC 210, the Bubble Nebula (NGC 7635), the Pinwheel Galaxy (M33), Stephan’s Quintet, and more! ISS Pass and Iridium flare information here.
There is no charge for your visit, but we greatly appreciate donations to help cover operating expenses. Reservations are not needed and there is no limit on group size. The observatory and its outdoor park style restroom are accessible to persons with disabilities. There is no running water on the premises. Guests are reminded to dress for the chill in the October night air, especially on the observing hill. As we are located inside of Mingo Creek County Park there is no alcohol or smoking permitted. Please drive slowly and cautiously especially in darkness and be alert for pedestrians and guests in place. After dark please limit the use of white lights as safety permits. Our entirely volunteer AAAP Member staff looks forward to your visit.
Find information on AAAP Membership online here and at the front desk. For updates come back again and visit our AAAP Facebook Page.
Upcoming AAAP Events:
October AAAP monthly meeting will be held 7:30 PM, Friday, October 14, 2016, at Carnegie Science Center, Riverview Cafe, One Allegheny Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15212 and features the NASA New Horizons Mission Specialist Mark “Indy” Kochte*, speaking on “New Horizons: The Adventure to Pluto.”
November AAAP monthly meeting will be held 7:30 PM, Friday, November 11, 2016, Allegheny Observatory Planetarium Theater and features the Kevin J. Brunelle Astrophotography Contest.
Oct 8 & 22 (Dark sky), Nov 5; Mingo Creek Park Observatory: Oct 21 & 22, Nov 12 (Sun-Moon Chilifest).
Download 2016 Fliers Here
Mingo Star Party Schedule 2016