Contribute to the AAAP The AAAP is supported by members and contributions from the public at large. If you wish to donate to the AAAP, use the form below. Your generosity is greatly appreciated! Support the AAAP Thank you for supporting the Amateur Astronomer's Association of Pittsburgh (AAAP). Your contribution is tax deductible as the AAAP is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Enter your contribution amount here and then below, select how you'd like your contribution to be used. Contribution Amount * My contribution should support * I'd like to support the AAAP's overall mission: Selecting the above option earmarks your contribution to go to the AAAP's general fund to help with our overall mission. I'd like to specifically support the Mingo Creek Park Observatory: Selecting the above option means that your donation will go to supporting the facilities and operations at Mingo Creek Park Observatory. I'd like to specifically support Wagman Observatory: Selecting the above option means that your donation will go to supporting the facilities and operations at Wagman Observatory. Total Amount $ 0.00 Email Address * Review your contribution